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  • Blog

    Preserving and Caring for Natural Stone

    If you’ve recently installed a natural stone countertop or floor in your beautiful Montgomery County home, this guide is for you! Alternatively, maybe our team recently restored your countertops or floors (or even another team—that’s okay too). No matter your…

    It’s no secret that natural stone countertops and tables are a pillar of any beautiful Bethesda, MD home. In fact, it’s the standard around Montgomery County nowadays, where it’s uncommon to find a home valued below $800,000. However, it’s also…

    Cracked Stone Tables and How Capitol Stone Care Repairs Damage: Our ProcessStone tables can be worth thousands of dollars depending on their history, material, and connection to your family. Unfortunately, stone tables get damaged easily for various reasons, including moving…

    If you’re currently doing your research, it’s likely that you’re unsure whether your stone surface is ready and/or qualifies for a repair at its current state. If you happened to stumble across this article, you’re in luck.In this article, our…

    In our articles, we commonly talk about how stone floors and countertops are restored, but not a lot about how to prevent them from being damaged.

    This article from our team of experts does just that. Check out these three essential tips for preserving your beautiful stone countertops and floors.

    Aged & Damaged Stone Floors: Commonly encountered Flaws

    High levels of foot traffic and constant movement of furniture will take a toll on any stone floor.

    Today’s blog article describes common damages we tend to encounter in high foot traffic stone floors, as well as how we remediate the specific damages.

    Travertine floors are expensive – especially when the travertine floors cover a large number of square footage! Over time, any floor is bound to take damage. Luckily, our team is here to help! Today’s article outlines our team’s professional process for travertine restoration to bring your floor back to life.

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